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. 2012 Jun 5;7(6):e37868. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037868

Table 1. Demographic characteristics at enrollment and features of P. falciparum clinical malaria episodes of Schistosoma haematobium-positive and age-matched S. haematobium-negative Malian children contributing PBMC for immunologic analysis.a .

Category Age (years) S. haematobium (+) S. haematobium (−) P value
Mean age (n) All ages 8.7 (54) 9.0 (30) ns
4–8 6.4 (27) 6.8 (15) ns
9–14 11.0 (27) 11.3 (15) ns
Female (%) 4–14 26 (48.1) 16 (53.3) ns
Eggs (range) a 4–14 58 (2–786) 0 n/a
4–8 51 (2–596) 0 n/a
9–14 66 (2–786) 0 n/a
Clinical malaria episodes b (n, range) 4–14 1.5 (1–4) 2.1 (1–4) 0.002
Days to first clinical malaria episode b (range) 4–14 76.2 (52–166) 26.4 (2–117) <0.0001 c
Parasitemia b,d (range) 4–14 9,299 (275–155,425) 11,785 (600–135,000) 0.87

Urinary egg excretion detected in 10 ml of filtered morning urine.


Results for children who did not develop malaria (n = 14) are not included these calculations. If no statistical difference was noted between children in the 4–8 year old category compared to the 9–14 year old category, the results were combined.


Multivariable Cox regression analysis used controlling for age and schistosoma status.


Geometric mean parasite density per mm3.