Experimental measurements of for chromosomal loci in the (A and B) preconfined (C and D) crossover and (E and F) confined regimes. In panels A, C, and E, is plotted against time-lag τ. In panels B, D, and F, the time-lag has been rescaled by δ. Colors (blue to red) represent different values of δ: (A and B) 1–50 s, at 1 s intervals; (C and D) 20–1000 s, at 20 s intervals; and (E and F) 600–13,800 s, at 600 s intervals. (Solid black lines in B, D, and F are the analytical theory for an fLm process with α = 0.4.) Cυ in panels A and B was calculated along both axes of untreated cells; in panels C–F, it was calculated along the width (y) axis of untreated (C and D) or rifampin-treated (E and F) cells.