Figure 7.
Tandem Gene Pairs Separated by CTCF Differ More in Their Expression than Gene Pairs that Are Not Separated by CTCF
(A) Exemplified tandem gene pairs that are separated by CTCF binding or not separated by CTCF (no). The CTCF-separated tandem gene pairs are further distinguished into the following three groups: (1) shared between the five mammals shown in (B) (five-way shared), (2) associated with lineage-specific repeats (repeat-associated, RAB), (3) all other CTCF-separated gene pairs (all other).
(B) Violin plots represent gene expression difference distributions (Manhattan distance) per tandem gene pair group as explained in (A). Stars (∗) indicate p values compared to the no CTCF binding category that are smaller than 0.001 (wilcoxon rank-sum test).