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. 2012 Jun 6;7(6):e37033. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037033

Figure 1. Results of Paradigm A & B.

Figure 1

A Paradigm A Mean reaction times, learning curve and translation test. Subjects learn the pseudowords (correct and incorrect couplings) and retain them for several weeks. Please note that usually 50% is achieved by chance due to the design of the experiment. Translation test results are highlighted after the learning session on day 4; for single subject data see C. Reaction times within the experiment (starts 200 ms after pseudoword onset) shorten continuously as pseudowords are learned. Transitive actions are learned better. Dashed lines depict reaction times, continuous lines depict correct responses during learning. Please note that the transitive/intransitive results depict a subset of 21 items of each class. rectangles  =  overall (76 items) dots  =  transitive actions (21 items) triangles  =  intransitive actions (21 items) B Paradigm B Mean reaction times, learning curve and translation test Subjects learn the pseudowords in one session of 5 blocks. Objects are learned better than actions. Reaction times in Paradigm B drop like in Paradigm A analog to the learning process. Dashed lines depict reaction times, continuous lines depict correct response during learning. Translation test results are highlighted on the right, differences between word classes are more obvious. rectangles  =  overall dots  =  objects only triangles  =  action only Legend: LS: learning-session day RS: reassessment-session day B: Block TR: translation test.