Figure 1. Description of the experimental paradigm.
A. Worker honey bees were restrained in plastic drinking straws using a yoke made of insect pins placed on either side on the neck. Honey bees were supported from below using a rolled paper tissue. A small window was cut in the straw to allow full extension of the proboscis. B. Restrained honey bees were placed in front of individual light presentation screens. Each screen could be illuminated with a blue or green led and had a red LED mounted on top to indicate US presentation to the experimenter. C. A series of projection screens allowed simultaneous conditioning of up to ten honey bees. D. Both the rewarded and unrewarded trials used the same timing of CS/US presentation. Following a 3 sec countdown (not depicted), the CS presentation lasted 5 sec during the final 3 sec of which the US was presented. Proboscis extensions (responses) were recorded to the CS before and during the US presentation.