Fig. 4.
Suz12 is present at the 3′ downstream Hoxa1 RARE and at the proximal promoter region in WT ES cells. WT and RARγKO ES cells were treated +/− 1μM RA for 2, 24 or 72h. ChIP was performed using an anti-Suz12 Ab and bound DNA was quantitated by real time PCR at the RARE (A) or Hoxa1 PP region (B). Each experiment was repeated at least three times. Data are presented as %s of input DNA before IP (mean ± S.E.) and normalized by GAPDH DNA bound. Error bars, standard error of three biological replicates. Statistically significant differences (p<0.05), asterisk (RA vs -) and # (WT vs RARγ KO). 352×264mm (72 × 72 DPI)