Figure 5. Effect sizes (d ±95% CI) of the color band treatments on (A) male courtship rate and (B) male body mass.
A positive effect size refers to red-banded males obtaining higher courtship rate or mass compared to green-banded males. For individual experiments, the size of the square reflects sample size, and for the overall estimate the diamond marks the mean and the 95% CI. Longitudinal analyses as marked with (L); the remainder are cross-sectional analyses. The experiments in (a) refer to Pariser et al. [25], Ratcliffe and Boag [24] inexperienced birds (1) and experienced birds (2), Gleeson [39] individual housing and group housing, Burley et al. [14], wild-type population (W) of the present study, domesticated population (D) of the present study, juvenile (juv) and adult (ad) birds, with housing in uni-color and mixed color groups, and housing in duos or larger groups; (b) Zann [16] at the start (t1) and end (t2) of the breeding season, Cuthill et al. [23] with mass measured at either dawn or dusk, Schuett and Dall [7], and others as above.