Physical interaction of TLP and p53.
A, GST pulldown assay for p53 and TLP. Panel a, FH-TLP, glutathione beads (beads), bead-bound GST, and bead-bound GST-tagged proteins (GTS-TLP or GST-TBP) were mixed as indicated, and bead-bound proteins were detected by Western blotting. Positions of GST tag-containing proteins are indicated by arrowheads. Panel b, GST pulldown assay was also performed as described above. In this experiment, FH-TLP and GST-p53-bound beads were used. B, immunoprecipitation for detection of intracellular p53-bound TLP. Extracts of HeLa cells overexpressing FLAG-p53 were immunoprecipitated with M2 beads, and endogenous TLP in precipitates was detected with the specific antibody. control, IgG.