Fig 4.
Fluorescent in situ hybridization of fixed ANG paraffin-embedded sections. (a) 16S FISH with FITC-conjugated Roseobacter (Ros.) probe (green) and CY3-conjugated eubacterial (Eub.) cocktail (red). (b) Cy3-conjugated Alphaproteobacteria (Alpha; red) and Cy5-conjugated Verrucomicrobia (Ver.; blue) probes were observed dominating separate tubules, suggesting specificity and/or segregation of the bacterial populations. Axes denote positions of “slices” through confocal sectioning. (c) 16S FISH with Cy3-conjugated Cytophaga-Flavobacteria-Bacteroidetes probe (CFB; red) and DAPI staining (blue). (d) Hybridization with an FITC-conjugated eubacterial cocktail (green) and a Cy3-conjugated Alphaproteobacteria probe (red) revealed a population of bacteria within the jelly capsule of a freshly laid egg. (e) Hybridization with a Cy3-conjugated Phaeobacter (Phaeo.) probe confirmed that many of the bacteria in the jelly capsule were Phaeobacter species. The exterior (ext.) and interior (int.) of the capsule are labeled. White arrowheads indicate tubules. Bars, 30 μm (a), 50 μm (b), and 20 μm (d and e).