EhMSP-1 silencing reduces E. histolytica motility. (A) Effect of EhMSP-1 silencing on amebic transwell migration. Movement of EhMSP-1-silenced (■) or G3 empty vector control (○) trophozoites through 8-μm pores toward TYI-S-33 growth medium was assayed following incubation at 37°C for the indicated times. In each case, 1.0 × 104 cells were added to the upper well chamber. The number of migrating cells was expressed as the percentage of control cells found in the lower well after 60 min (mean and SE, combined data from two independent experiments, n = 5). ♦, P = 0.03. (B) Effect of EhMSP-1 silencing on nondirected amebic motility during incubation on tissue culture monolayers. CFSE-labeled EhMSP-1-silenced and G3 empty vector control trophozoites were observed interacting with fixed CHO cell monolayers by video microscopy. Fluorescent trophozoites were identified in binarized images by thresholding in the green channel, and motility tracks were generated using Imaris motility tracking software. Data points indicate the mean speed for individual trophozoites, and the overall mean and SE for each trophozoite population are shown (n = 38 for G3 empty vector control and n = 36 for EhMSP-1-silenced cells). *, P = 0.0005.