Fig 5.
Tetracycline-regulated overexpression of calreticulin does not alter surface levels of the GalNAc lectin or SREHP. (A) Method for measurement of cell membrane fluorescence intensity. Nonpermeabilized trophozoites were immunostained for the GalNAc lectin or SREHP prior to acquisition of image Z-stacks, image deconvolution, and quantification of fluorescence intensity. Cell membrane locations were arbitrarily selected using an 8-μm density grid template overlaid onto each image (top), and fluorescence intensity was measured where the grid crossed the cell membrane (arrows in the lower screen shot). (B) GalNAc lectin and SREHP surface staining. Each bar graph shows the mean fluorescence and SD for 100 data points measured for cells induced to express calreticulin (pCal) and cells transfected with the empty control vector and treated with tetracycline (10 data points per cell and 10 cells per transfectant).