29 year old female with right breast fibromatosis before and after treatment with tamoxifen.
5A: Axial T1 weighted MR 6 minutes post contrast subtraction image before tamoxifen therapy (TR 6.44 TE 1.4; 1.5T Siemens MAGNETOM Sonata MRI scanner using breast phased array coil; matrix 512×287; 15cc of Magnevist) shows heterogeneously enhancing right retropectoral breast mass measuring 10.5 × 6.2 × 10.5 cm. Left breast saline implant is seen.
5B: Sagittal T1 weighted fat suppressed post contrast image of the right breast before tamoxifen therapy(TR 11.9 TE 5.54; matrix 320×221).
5C: Axial T1 weighted MR 5 minutes post contrast subtraction image 14 months after tamoxifen therapy (TR 4.3 TE 1.51; 1.5T Siemens MAGNETOM Sonata MRI scanner using breast phased array coil; matrix 384×381; 15 cc of Prohance) shows heterogeneously enhancing right retropectoral breast mass that is significantly smaller in size measuring 1.8 × 4.9 × 5.9 cm. Left breast saline implant remains unchanged.
5D: Sagittal T1 weighted fat suppressed post contrast image of the right breast 14 months after tamoxifen therapy(TR 11.9 TE 5.4; matrix 320×221).