Table 2.
Final population pharmacokinetic estimates and bootstrap results for piperaquinea
Parameter | Mean (RSE %) | Bootstrap median [95% CI] |
Structural and covariate model parameters | ||
MTT (h) | 1.27 (11) | 1.25 [1.12–1.58] |
NN | 4.20 (19) | 3.70 [2.77–5.36] |
CL/FPQ (liter/h/70 kg) | 40.1 (7) | 40.7 [36.6–45.1] |
VC/FPQ (liter/70 kg) | 2,580 (13) | 2,550 [1,996–3,142] |
Q1/FPQ (liter/h/70 kg) | 113 (21) | 119.0 [84.3–166.0] |
VP1/FPQ (liter/70 kg) | 2,760 (24) | 3,440 [2,750–5,510] |
Q2/FPQ (liter/h/70 kg) | 52.4 (15) | 52.9 [43.8–67.1] |
VP2/FPQ (liter/70 kg) | 21,600 (8) | 22,300 [19,300–25,320] |
Random model parameters | ||
IOV in FPQ (%) | 46 (14) | 42 [36–54] |
IIV in CL/FPQ (%) | 16 (53) | 16 [5–29] |
IIV in VC/FPQ (%) | 53 (33) | 45 [31–71] |
IIV in VP1/FPQ (%) | 68 (32) | 64 [16–93] |
IIV in MTT (%) | 43 (13) | 42 [34–52] |
Correlation coefficient (CL/FPQ, VC/FPQ) | 0.33 | 0.272 [–0.186–0.710] |
Correlation coefficient (VC/FPQ, VP1/FPQ) | 0.85 | 0.874 [0.381–1.00] |
Residual variability (%) | 29 (5) | 29 [27–32] |
Parameters are NN (number of transit compartments), MTT (mean transit time), CL/FPQ (clearance), VC/FPQ (central volume of distribution), VP1/FPQ and VP2/FPQ (peripheral volumes of distribution), Q1/FPQ and Q2/FPQ (intercompartmental clearance between VP1/FPQ and VC/FPQ and between VP2/FPQ and VC/FPQ respectively), and F1,Artequick (bioavailability of the first dose of Artequick relative to the first dose of Duo-cotecxin). RSE (relative standard error) values were calculated from bootstrap results. OFV in final model, −329.926; bootstrap OFV (median [95% CI]), −316.869 [−416.930 to 285.019].