Table 4.
Final population pharmacokinetic estimates and bootstrap results for artemisinin (n = 12)a
Parameter | Mean (RSE %) | Bootstrap median [95% CI] |
Structural model parameters | ||
ka (per h) | 1.67 (55) | 1.62 [1.01–4.40] |
CL/FART (liter/h/70 kg) | 124 (12) | 125 [99–157] |
VC/FART (liter/70 kg) | 590 (30) | 533 [318–874] |
Q/FART (liter/h/70 kg) | 43.7 (38) | 46.4 [19.5–79.4] |
VP/FART (liter/70 kg) | 435 (26) | 456 [259–696] |
F2,ART − relative bioavailability of 2nd dose | 0.270 (17) | 0.275 [0.192–0.368] |
Random model parameters | ||
IOV in FART (%) | 43 (27) | 39 [15–58] |
IIV in CL/FART (%) | 12 (29) | 12 [4–18] |
Residual variability (%) | 33 (11) | 32 [26–38] |
Parameters are ka (absorption rate constant), CL/FART (clearance), VC/FART (central volume of distribution), VP/FART (peripheral volume of distribution), Q/FART (intercompartmental clearance between VP/FART and VC/FART), and F2,ART (relative bioavailability of 2nd dose of ART). RSE (relative standard error) values were calculated from bootstrap results. OFV in final model, −63.562; bootstrap OFV (median [95% CI], −73.838 [−110.720 to 43.043].