Fig 7.
Polarized ectocervical explants are protected from HIV-1 infection by UC781-TFV combination gels pSG5.2, SG5.2, ISG5.2, and BG5.2 (A) and SG4.5, BG4.5, and pSG4.5 (B). Explants were set up in duplicate. The gels were diluted 1:5 in medium and applied 15 min prior to the application of HIV-1. After culture, the explants were washed and followed for 21 days for HIV-1 replication, which was measured by p24gag ELISA and is shown as the median ± the 95% confidence interval of three independent tissues. At the study endpoint, immunohistochemistry was performed to detect cells expressing p24 (pink). The data presented are from one of the three independent tissues.