Figure 1.
(A) Experimental protocol: Myocardial infarcts were allowed to evolve for 0–480 hours before the imaging agent (Gd-TO or Gd-DTPA) was injected. Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) due to slow washout in the infarct is seen with both of probes for 30–40 minutes post-injection. MRI was therefore performed 2–3 hours after the injection of the imaging agent to allow complete resolution of the LGE effect and the washout of any unbound probe. (B) An ECG-gated inversion recovery imaging sequence was used to measure the longitudinal magnetic relaxation rate R1 (sec-1) in infarcted myocardium. The inverted magnetization (−M0) recovers towards its baseline state (M0) with the rate constant R1. Tissues with high Gd concentrations have a higher R1 and thus a steeper recovery curve. NP = null point, TI = inversion time.