Table 1. Non-exhaustive list of clinical studies using the γ-H2AX assay for radiation biodosimetry.
Studies are separated in 3 major groups: x-ray examination (top), computed tomography (middle) and radiotherapy (bottom). A study illustrating the use of γ-H2AX as a biomarker to study the impact of space radiation on human health was added in the last row. All studies described in Table 1 used microscopy (i.e, immunocytochemistry or immunohistochemistry) for γ-H2AX detection.
Procedure | Sample | Dose | Study purpose | Ref. |
x-ray examination | PBMCs | 0.230 – 0.856 Gy cm(CT) 6.31–30.36 Gy.cm2(PTA) |
DNA damage evaluation during percutaneous transluminal angioplasty | [123] |
x-ray examination | Oral cells | 2-3 cGy | Validation of γ-H2AX as a biomarker for low dose radiation exposure | [64] |
x-ray examination | PBMCs | 10-3170 cGy.cm2 | DNA damage evaluation during pediatric cardiac catheterization | [71] |
x-ray examination | PBMCs | 337-29281 μGy.m2 | DNA damage measured after angiographic procedure | [70] |
x-ray examination | PBMCs | 112-1025 Gy. cm | DNA damage measured after coronary CT angiographic procedure | [124] |
CT | PBMCs | 157-1.514 | Evaluation of DNA damage/repair during CT examinations | [53] |
CT | PBMCs | 5.16-13.85 mGy | DNA damage measured after multi- detector row CT examinations | [125] |
CT | PBMCs | 200-1800 | To compare the biological effects between helical and sequential coronary CTA as well as other CT parameters | [72] |
CT | PBMCs | 522 to 1102 (Blood dose 8–20.6mGy) | To investigate the biological effects of different scanner settings | [52] |
Radiotherapy | PBMCs | 2-2.17 Gy(SD) 72-76 Gy (CD) |
To compare the biological effects (DSBs) of 3D and SSIMRT irradiation protocols to treat prostate cancer. | [69] |
Radionuclide therapy | PBMCs | 0.17-0.57 Gy | Measure of dose accumulation after administration of (131)I for thyroid remnant ablation | [78] |
Radiotherapy | PBMCs | 1.6-2 Gy per fraction | Evaluation of DNA damage in different areas of the body after local radiotherapy; Estimation of the applied integral body dose | [67, 88] |
Radiotherapy | Skin | 0.05-1 Gy | To evaluate the low-dose hypersensitivity response in skin of patients undergoing radiotherapy | [126] |
Radiotherapy | Skin | ~1 Gy | Evaluation of DNA damage induction in prostate cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy | [48] |
Radiotherapy | Glioma cells from cerebrospinal fluid | 24-30Gy (CD) | Evaluate radiotherapy-induced DNA damage induction in glioma cells collected in cerebrospinal fluid CSF cytological specimens | [127] |
Space radiation | lymphoblastoid cells | 0.7 mSv per day | Evaluate the DNA damage induced by space radiation | [128] |
Abbreviations: FC, flow cytometry; PTA, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; SD, single dose; CD, cumulated doses; CT, computed tomography; CTA, computed tomography angiography; PTA, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; 3D, three dimensional conformal; SSIMRT, step-and-shoot-intensity modulated radiotherapy. PBMCs, peripheral blood mononuclear cells.