Chemical extraction results, calculated contributions of uraninite and monomeric U(IV) and linear combination fitting (LCF) results. All results are presented as % uraninite / % monomeric U(IV). Calculated ratios for Bio2 – Bio4 assume a linear relationship between the end-members. Uncertainty ranges for bicarbonate extraction data result from combined instrumental and replicate errors. Uncertainty for EXAFS LCF data are from scan-by-scan error analysis of XAS data, however the LCF technique is only semi-quantitative and is generally assumed to be accurate to within 10% (33). Calculated values (last column) are obtained from extraction resutls. For example, Bio2 consists of 75% Bio1 and 25% Bio5, hence it is expected to include a contribution of 34 % monomeric U(IV) from Bio1 and 23% monomeric U(IV) from Bio5, for a total of 57%.