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. 2012 Jul;53(7):1399–1409. doi: 10.1194/jlr.D022285


Measurement of sterols, oxysterols, and secosteroids

Average (RSE) Median Range Pooled Plasma Average (RSE) NIST SRM Plasma Average Spike Recovery (%)
Oxysterol (ng/ml)*
 7αHC (x) 158.7 (3.2) 153.6 33–435 56.86 (10.6) 91.8 104.3
 7α,27HC (c) 10 (2.4) 9.6 2–22.8 9.24 (5.3) 9.6 99.6
 25OH VD3 (i) 24.3 (2.8) 25.6 0–57.6 9.32 (1.4) 20.7 97.1
 25HC (l) 11.8 (2.4) 11.0 2.6–28.2 6.1 (3.9) 5.7 106.3
 24HC (m) 56.1 (2.1) 53.6 24–117 46.13 (3.3) 44.6 101.4
 27HC (o) 151.4 (2.0) 144.1 60–390 124.6 (2.0) 131.0 100.9
 4βHC (k) 53.1 (2.4) 48.9 16.7–144 43.9 (3.0) 31.4 104.0
 24oxoC (n) 6.0 (2.2) 5.6 2.6–12.1 5.1 (13.5) 3.7 109.0
 24/25EC (r) 1.8 (4.4) 1.5 0.2–9.1 1.5 (6.7) 1.8 100.1
 7oxoC (a) 84 (4.5) 66.5 25.7–360.8 40.54 (18.3) 24.0 104.6
Sterol (ng/ml)*
 Chol (M)§ 184.0 182.5 112–319 120.7 145.0 N/A
 Zymo (D) 24.8 (6.5) 16.9 0–139 19.7 (1.6) 32.2 96.9
 Desm (E) 713.4 (3.3) 692.0 37–1,800 623 (0.8) 722.2 97.1
 Lano (O) 203.2 (6.4) 151.2 35–1,480 101.2 (1.1) 123.9 94.6
 24-DiHL (U) 20.8 (13) 10.2 2.4–347 5.5 (1.6) 8.5 96.0
 7-DHC (H) 803.2 (2.8) 744.7 424–2,488 510 (1.1) 1,137.8 85.0
 Cholestanol (P) 2,913.9 (2.3) 2827.6 160–6,200 2,526 (0.6) 2,581.1 95.9
 14-DML (N) 517 (3.6) 456.0 14.5–1,915 305 (1.1) 451.1 107.3
 Lath 3,892 (7.1) 3,388 166–14,460 3,078 (3.9) 2,080 106.5
 Camp (Q) 3,831.4 (3.8) 3,546.1 808–16,400 2,502 (0.7) 2,645.6 111.0

Results from a cohort of 200 subjects from the Cooper Institute in Dallas, TX. Data are nanograms per milliliter except for cholesterol, which is milligrams per deciliter. NIST SRM, pooled plasma, and spike recovery are included for comparison as well as for QA/QC analysis. Letters in parentheses correspond to chromatographic peak labels in Fig. 1. Error values in parentheses represent the relative standard error (RSE).

*N = 200.

N = 6.

§Milligrams per deciliter measured by clinical chemistry assay.