Figure 6. Gemcitabine+PEGPH20 combination therapy decreases metastatic tumor burden and improves survival.
(A and B) HA expression in lung metastases from untreated (A) and PEGPH20-treated (B) animals.
(C) Quantitative analyses of proliferation assessed as % Ki-67+ cells in metastases to liver (filled circles) and lung (open squares) after gemcitabine monotherapy (G) or Gem+PEGPH20 (GP) combination therapy vs. (p=0.0012).
(D) Quantitative analysis of apoptosis assessed as % CC3+ cells in liver (filled circles) and lung (open squares) metastases (p=0.0001).
(E) Kaplan-Meier survival curves from time of enrollment in control (Con; n=16), Gem (n=16), PEGPH20 (n=15), and Gem+PEGPH20 treated KPC animals (n=14). (Black bar indicates maximum duration of therapy.) Median overall survival of Gem (55.5 days) and Gem+PEGPH20 (91.5) treated mice are significantly different (*p=0.004). Treatment with PEGPH20 alone showed a trend toward increased survival (median = 63 days) that did not reach statistical significance (p=0.1).
(F) Metastatic burden in Gem+PEGPH20 (GP) treated mice is significantly decreased compared with Gem treatment alone (G) (*p=0.014). See also Figure S6 and Table S1.