Figure I. Forms of centrosomal bondage.
Centriole mother-daughter pairs are tightly bound in the “engaged” state until their release is triggered, which normally occurs at mitosis. The spot vacated by the procentriole is shown in pink, and is a trigger to license replication. The older mother (M) is marked with distal (yellow) and subdistal (red) appendages. The daughter (D) is shown as a small procentriole. A linker (purple) comprised of the related proteins C-Nap1 and Rootletin connects each centriole pair. The linker connects the mother centrioles between centrosomes. Loss of cohesion and engagement normally occur in the cell cycle at G2 and anaphase, respectively. In homozygous Cdk5rap2RRF465 mutant cells, cohesion and engagement are both disrupted.