Table 3.
Individual Item Loadings for Exploratory Factor Analysis That Yielded 4 Factors
CIQ Items | Factor 1 | Factor 2 | Factor 3 | Factor 4 |
Who does the shopping? | .783 | |||
Who does the meal preparation? | .851 | |||
Who does the housework? | .801 | |||
Who provides childcare? | .883 | |||
Who plans the social arrangements? | .590 | |||
Who does the personal finances? | .679 | |||
Shopping frequency? | .617 | |||
Frequency of leisure activities? | .776 | |||
Frequency of visiting friends or relatives? | .677 | |||
Activities alone or with others? | .635 | |||
Do you have a best friend? | .726 | |||
Frequency of travel outside the home? | .702 | |||
Job/school?* | .597 |
NOTE. Extraction method: principal component analysis. Rotation method: varimax with Kaiser normalization.
Combination of items 13 to 15 assessing work, school activities, and volunteer activities.