Fig 5.
The UG4 enhancer activation is not dependent on a GATA factor. (A) Comparative alignment of the conserved 165-bp UG4 core sequence in humans (h) and mice (m). The three conserved GATA binding sites and the SRY/SOX sequences are indicated. (B) Schematic diagram of the TgUG4-GATAm3-LacZ construct showing the nucleotide substitutions introduced into the three GATA sites in UG4. The number of E11.5 founder (F0) transgenic embryos that were positive for LacZ staining in the caudal domain of the urogenital mesenchyme [LacZ(+)] and the total number of founder transgenic embryos [Tg(+)] are shown to the right of the schematic diagram. LacZ expression was maintained in the TgUG4-GATAm3-LacZ embryos (right). (C) LacZ expression pattern was unaltered in E11.5 Gata2fGN/fGN:TgUG4-LacZ embryos (right) compared to Gata2+/+:TgUG4-LacZ littermates (left). (D) LacZ expression was similarly unaffected in the Gata3−/−:TgUG4-LacZ embryos (right) in comparison with Gata3+/+:TgUG4-LacZ littermates (left).