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. 2012 May 10;175(12):1225–1233. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwr468

Table 2.

Rotated Factor Loadings for Food Items, CHANCE Study, North Carolina, 2002–2006a

Food Item Factor 1 (Fruits, Vegetables, and Lean Protein) Factor 2 (Fried Foods, High-fat and Processed Meats, and Sweets)
Milk, low-fat 0.21
Beef, roast 0.24
Beef, burgers 0.22
Beef, ground −0.22 0.30
Hot dogs 0.46
Chicken, fried, light meat 0.32
Chicken, fried, dark meat 0.27
Chicken, light meat (not fried) 0.32 −0.21
White bread −0.30 0.40
Whole-grain bread 0.32
Cornbread 0.36
Hot cereals 0.25
Cereal, ready to eat 0.26
Rice and grains 0.27
Pasta with meatless red sauce 0.21 0.20
Macaroni and cheese 0.42
Bananas 0.47
Strawberries 0.43
Fruit salad and other fruits 0.61
Beans, no fat added 0.24
Beans, fat added 0.43
Potatoes, fried 0.40
Sweet potatoes 0.28 0.25
Carrots 0.52
Tomatoes, raw 0.40
Mayonnaise, regular 0.33
Lard 0.28
Candy and chocolate 0.20
Gravy 0.43
Coleslaw and cabbage 0.30
Fruit juice 0.29
Sugar-sweetened beverages −0.24 0.27
String beans 0.28 0.24
Potatoes 0.30
Ketchup and salsa 0.26
Peanuts 0.21
Sausage and bacon 0.50
Chips and popcorn 0.24
Ice cream 0.24
Desserts 0.24
Mustard greens 0.31
Cooked spinach, turnip greens, or collard greens 0.31 0.31
Zucchini and squash 0.34
Pork products 0.46
Hash and Spamb 0.35
Bologna and ham 0.32
Apples, pears, and applesauce 0.51
Grapes, peaches, and cantaloupes 0.47
Broccoli and cauliflower 0.52
Oranges and grapefruit 0.47
Soups 0.26
Eggs 0.41
Seafood, not fried 0.38
Seafood, fried 0.40
Salad 0.51

Abbreviation: CHANCE, Carolina Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology.


Only factor loadings ≥0.20 in absolute value are displayed. Food items with factor loadings <0.20 for both factors have been omitted.


Hormel Foods Corporation, Austin, Minnesota.