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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: Eur J Cancer. 2011 Oct 28;48(11):1739–1749. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2011.07.016

Table 1.

Demographic Data, Clinical Characteristics and Catecholamine Metabolomic Profiles in Patients with and without Metastatic PPGLs

Reference Population Patient Population

Demographic/Clinical Data No tumor No Metastases Metastases P value*
N 846 260 105
Age (Mean±SD) 41±14 41±17 37±17 0.0399
Gender (M/F) 467 / 379 129 / 131 60 / 45 0.2047
Tumor location (A/E/B) no tumors 223/28/9 34/65/6 0.0001
Tumor Volume (Mean±SE) no tumors 54±6 195±26 0.0001
SDHB mutation (yes/no)§ not tested 7 / 253 41 / 64 0.0001
Norepinephrine & metabolites Mean Ref. Intervals Mean 95% CI Mean 95% CI P value* AUC
Plasma NE (nmol/L) 1.46 [0.51-4.18] 5.57 (4.91-6.35) 10.02 (7.75-12.94) 0.0001 0.630
Plasma f-NMN (nmol/L) 0.29 [0.11-0.74] 3.52 (3.05-4.07) 5.51 (4.10-7.40) 0.0031 0.603
Plasma d-NMN (nmol/L) 10.54 [3.85-28.12] 78.3 (65.3-93.98) 145.8 (99.4-213.9) 0.0037 0.656
Plasma DHPG (nmol/L) 4.88 [2.69-8.88] 7.86 (7.35-8.41) 9.20 (8.16-10.36) 0.0174 0.582
Urine NE (μmol/day) 0.22 [0.08-0.61] 0.99 (0.84-1.16) 1.48 (1.13-1.93) 0.0094 0.587
Urine d-NMN (umol/day) 1.37 [0.45-4.14] 9.02 (7.63-10.68) 14.92 (11.01-20.21) 0.0023 0.613
Urine VMA (μmol/day) 17.61 [7.06-43.39] 48.95 (43.08-55.62) 69.68 (56.15-86.47) 0.0054 0.616
Epinephrine & metabolites Mean Ref. Intervals Mean 95% CI Mean 95% CI P value* AUC
Plasma EPI (nmol/L) 0.09 [0.01-0.67] 0.30 (0.25-0.36) 0.17 (0.13-0.22) 0.0012 0.626
Plasma f-MN (nmol/L) 0.13 [0.04-0.45] 0.66 (0.54-0.81) 0.24 (0.18-0.33) 0.0001 0.683
Plasma d-MN (nmol/L) 3.91 [1.00-14.90] 21.05 (16.20-27.36) 10.8 (6.70-17.31) 0.0232 0.624
Urine EPI (μmol/day) 0.02 [0.01-0.09] 0.07 (0.06-0.9) 0.03 (0.02-0.04) 0.0001 0.663
Urine d-MN (μmol/day) 0.39 [0.09-1.56] 2.19 (1.69-2.85) 0.92 (0.66-1.28) 0.0001 0.661
Dopamine, DOPA & metabolites Mean Ref. Intervals Mean 95% CI Mean 95% CI P value* AUC
Plasma DA (nmol/L) 0.05 [0.01-0.41] 0.13 (0.11-0.15) 0.40 (0.25-0.62) 0.0001 0.630
Plasma f-MTY (nmol/L) 0.02 [0.00-0.11] 0.07 (0.06-0.08) 0.33 (0.22-0.50) 0.0001 0.739
Plasma d-MTY (nmol/L) 1.22 [0.20-7.41] 3.79 (3.10-4.63) 7.91 (3.70-16.92) 0.0097 0.591
Plasma DOPAC (nmol/L) 7.92 [3.78-16.59] 8.95 (8.35-9.59) 10.59 (8.96-12.52) 0.0313 0.564
Plasma DOPA (nmol/L) 7.94 [4.98-12.63] 9.51 (8.94-10.11) 11.69 (10.16-13.46) 0.0023 0.549
Urine DA (μmol/day) 1.19 [0.39-3.66] 1.70 (1.57-1.84) 2.41 (1.97-2.95) 0.0006 0.592

Denotes significance of difference between groups with and without metastases

Tumor location indicates adrenal (A), extra-adrenal (E) or both adrenal and extra-adrenal (B) primary tumors

Tumor size indicates the volume (cubic cm) of the primary tumor or sets of multifocal primary tumors first diagnosed


Numbers of patients with no SDHB mutations detected include 100 who were not tested and in who SDHB mutations remain possible (80 without metastases and 20 with metastases who were excluded from subsequent comparisons of patients with and with SDHB mutations).

Catecholamine metabolomic data are shown as geometric means with reference intervals (Ref.Intervals) determined from the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles of the reference population and the 95% confidence intervals of the mean (95% CI) shown for the two PPGL patient groups. All 18 analytes were higher (P<0.007) in both groups of PPGL patients compared to the reference group.

Abbreviations: AUC, area under ROC curves; NE; norepinephrine; f-NMN, free normetanephrine; d-NMN, deconjugated normetanephrine; DHPG, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol; VMA, vanillylmandelic acid; EPI, epinephrine; f-MN, free metanephrine; d-MN, deconjugated metanephrine; DA, dopamine; f-MTY, free methoxytyramine; d-MTY, deconjugated methoxytyramine; DOPAC; 3-4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid; DOPA, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine.