miR-34c targets the Notch signaling pathway during osteoblast development in vivo. Total RNA was extracted from P2 calvarial tissues of WT and miR-34c Tg mice. The expression level of Notch receptors (A), Notch ligands (Jag1 and Dll4), Rbpjk and Hey1 (B), osteoblast markers (C) and Opg and Rankl (D) were quantified by qRT–PCR and normalized to B2m (n = 6). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01. Error bar is SEM. (E) Diagram of miR-34c-mediated regulation of bone development. MiR-34c regulates both osteoclasts and osteoblasts via targeting multiple factors in the Notch signaling pathway and Runx2 and Satb2, respectively, during skeletal development. The direct targets of miR-34c are in bold.