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. 2012 Jun 12;7(6):e39134. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0039134

Table 2. Univariate and Multivariate logistic regression analysis of factors independently associated with treatment default for tuberculosis patients from Amazonas State, Brazil 2005–2010.

CASES CONTROLS Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
Crude OR (95% CI) Adjusted OR (95% CI)
Sex Male 1059 (16.00) 5657 (84.00) 1.45(1.29–1.62) 0.00000 1.12(0.97–1.30) 0.11275
Female 525 (11.00) 4071 (89.00) 1.00
Treated living area Yes 46 (14.00) 272 (86.00) 1.04
No 1538 (14.00) 9456 (86.00) 1.00 0.80946
Living in Manaus Yes 1195 (15.00) 6659 (85.00)
No 389 (11.00) 3069 (89.00) 1.42 0.00000 0.92(0.76–1.10) 0.35715
Living area Urban 1426 (14.00) 8606 (86.00) 1.33
Rural 137 (12.00) 994 (88.00) 1.10
Peri-urban 5 (11.00) 40 (89.00) 1.00 0.13259
Treatment type Previous default 218 (47.00) 249 (53.00) 5.99 0.00000 3.20(2.25–4.57) 0.00000
Relapse 61 (12.00) 427 (88.00) 0.98 0.68(0.43–1.08) 0.10140
Transferred 71 (11.00) 604 (89.00) 0.80 0.74(0.48–1.13) 0.16792
New case 1233 (13.00) 8440 (87.00) 1.00
Clinical Form Mixed 45 (18.00) 210 (82.00) 1.27 0.00014 1.21(0.82–1.78) 0.33584
Extrapulmonary 163 (11.00) 1357 (89.00) 0.71 0.91(0.67–1.25) 0.56372
Pulmonary 1376 (14.00) 8161 (86.00) 1.00
AFB sputum smear Negative 736 (15.00) 4158 (85.00) 1.17 0.02087 1.23(0.98–1.54) 0.07404
Not done 140 (13.00) 902 (87.00) 1.02 0.90(0.67–1.21) 0.47094
Positive 708 (13.00) 4668 (87.00) 1.00 1.00
HIV Positive 154 (21.00) 568 (79.00) 2.80 0.00000 1.62(1.38–1.89) 0.00000
No results 174 (20.00) 686 (80.00) 2.62 1.47(0.67–2.19) 0.22405
Not done 981 (15.00) 5629 (85.00) 1.80 1.05(0.32–1.91) 0.76982
Negative 275 (09.00) 2845 (91.00) 1.00
Aids Yes 135 (21.00) 515 (79.00) 1.67(1.36–2.04) 0.00000 1.18(0.42–3.34) 0.50850
No 1449 (14.00) 9213 (86.00) 1.00
Alcoholism Yes 196 (27.00) 527 (73.00) 2.56(2.13–3.07) 0.00000 1.51(1.25–1.84) 0.00003
No 901 (13.00) 6197 (87.00) 1.00
Diabetes Yes 42 (10.00) 379 (90.00) 0.69(0.49–0.96) 0.02296 0.88(060–1.28) 0.49742
No 1016 (14.00) 6297 (86.00) 1.00
Mental disorders Yes 24 (25.00) 71 (75.00) 2.17(1.32–3.59) 0.00088 1.15(0.61–2.14) 0.67120
No 1026 (13.00) 6583 (87.00) 1.00
Other comorbidities Yes 104 (20.00) 422 (80.00) 1.58(1.26–1.99) 0.00005 1.31(1.01–1.71) 0.04547
No 963 (13.00) 6188 (87.00) 1.00 1.00
DOT Yes 287 (11.00) 2380 (89.00) 0.66(0.57–0.76) 0.00000 0.72(0.55–0.94) 0.01437
No 885 (16.00) 4810 (84.00) 1.00
Education level ≤basic 1248 (15.00) 7019 (85.00) 1.43(1.26–1.63) 0.00000 1.35(1.15–1.57) 0.00017
>basic 336 (11.00) 2709 (89.00) 1.00
Race Black 63 (16.00) 339 (84.00) 1.17 0.15334
Yellow 15 (18.00) 69 (82.00) 1.37
Mestizo 1209 (14.00) 7314 (86.00) 1.04
Indigenous 77 (11.00) 625 (89.00) 0.78
Ignored 15 (16.00) 78 (84.00) 1.22
White 200 (14.00) 1264 (86.00) 1.00
Age Continuous variable 37.32 36.45 0.71744 0.98(0.98–0.99) 0.00160

Treated living area: if the treatment was provided in the area where the patient lives. Living in Manaus: if the patient was living in the capital Manaus during treatment. Living area: the type of area where the patient lives: urban, periurban (near to urban areas but developing rural and urban activities), rural. Treatment type: the type of entrance of patient, if new case, if had received previous TB treatment but default, if was a relapse case or if transferred from another health unity. Clinical form: if TB case was pulmonary, extra pulmonary or mixed (pulmonary+extrapulmonary). AFB sputum smear: results of acid fast bacilli in sputum smear. HIV: results of serology or rapid test at moment of notification or during treatment. Aids: patients presenting Aids according WHO/MoH criteria at moment of notification. Alcoholism: condition recognized and declared by the patient at moment of notification. Diabetes (Diabetes mellitus): patient under treatment at moment of diagnosis, information registered in the patient file or declared by the patient. Mental disorders: condition declared at moment of diagnosis by patient's tutor or health professional or registered in the patient file. Other comorbidities: comorbidities not included in the standard questioner but declared by patients: heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, neurological disease, cancer, mental disorders, and chemical dependency to illicit drugs. DOT: Directly Observed Treatment. Education level: ≤basic, comprehend illiterate and education up to 8 years of study; >basic: education above 8 years of study. Race: declared by patient at moment of notification. Age: Age of the patient at moment of diagnosis.