Table 1.
Pharmacological treatment options for SHGT
Treatment modality | Mechanism of action | Comments | Limitations |
Fibrates | Increase of LPL level, decrease in hepatic TG synthesis by induction of hepatic FFA oxidation, and stimulation of reverse cholesterol transport | Considered drugs of first choice | Slow onset of TG lowering |
Nicotinic acid | Reducing VLDL secretion via receptor | Reliable long-term effect on TG level | Prominent side effects such as facial flushing, slow onset of TG lowering |
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors | Inhibition of cholesterol synthesis | Only of use in combination with other drugs such as fibrates in order to achieve synergistic effects | Higher risk of myositis or myopathy, no drug of first choice |
Omega-3-FA | Reduced hepatic TG synthesis, enhanced peroxisomal b-oxidation, increased LPL activity and adipose tissue LPL expression | Potent drug with no side effects, immediate onset of action | No limitations |
MCT | No chylomicron formation, no chylomyicron synthesis, induction of michondrial b-oxidation of FA | Immediate onset of action on TG levels | No limitations |
Insulin | Activation of LPL (acceleration of chylomicron degradation) | Useful especially in the treatment of poorly controlled diabetic subjects with HTG | Only of limited efficiency |
Heparin | Stimulation of release of endothelial LPL | Not recommended as a monotherapy | Cave: increased LPL degradation and depletion of LPL plasma stores |
Note carefully that conventional treatment of any comorbidity, e.g., pancreatitis is imperative as well as screening for secondary causes of HTG and treatment of the underlying disease
LPL lipoprotein lipase;TG triglycerides;FA fatty acids;FFA free fatty acid;VLDL very low density lipoproteins;HMG-CoA hydroxy-methylglutaryl-coenzyme-A;MCT medium-chain triglycerides;HTG hypertriglyceridemia