Table 3.
Suggested treatment regime for SHGT
Acute treatment in SHTG (TG > 1,000 mg/dL) | Long-term treatment for the prevention of SHTG episodes (TG levels to be reached 300–500 mg/dL) |
Apheresis until plasma TG level < 1,000 mg/dL | Dietary measurements |
MCT and omega-3-FA in combination | < 20 g LC-FA/day, abstinence of alcohol |
Adding omega-3-FA (> 3 g EPA + DHA) | |
Adding fibrates to omega-3-FA | |
Adding nicotinic acid to fibrates, omega-3-FA | |
Considering recurrent episodes of plasmapheresis |
Note carefully that conventional treatment of any comorbidity, e.g., pancreatitis is imperative as well as screening for secondary causes of HTG and treatment of the underlying disease
SHTG severe hypertriglyceridemia;TG triglycerdies;FA fatty acids;MCT medium-chain triglycerides;LC-FA long-chain fatty acids;EPA eicosapentaenoic acid;DHA docosahexaenoic acid