Timing of prominent lunisolar tide raising forces
from A.D. 1850 to 2000 according to Wood (ref. 23, table 16). Each
event is plotted as a vertical solid line whose length, above a
threshold, is an approximate measure of the strength of forcing,
expressed by the quantity γ, in degrees of arc per day, as described
in the text. All events with γ greater than 17.02° d−1
are shown, resulting in approximately one displayed event per year.
Selected dominant sequences of 18.03-year events, labeled A-D,
subdominant sequences, B* and C*, and an equinoctial sequence, EN, are
identified by arcs connecting these tidal events and by dots or solid
triangles (see text). Vertical hatched lines indicate times of events
grouped 6 or 9 years apart, as described in the text.