Everyday Mathematics |
K |
equal |
equal sign only used on calculators |
1 |
equals |
is equal to |
is the same as |
2 |
equals |
is the same as or is equal to
encourages use of nonstandard equations |
3 |
4 |
equals |
5 |
HSP Math |
K |
equal |
is equal to |
numbers on one side equal to other side |
the number in all is after the equal sign |
1 |
is equal to |
is the same as |
2 |
equal |
is equal to |
3 |
equal to |
4 |
equabeam balance used to show balancing equations 4 + m = 9: equation is true if both values are equal
5 |
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space |
K |
equal |
“What sign do we use to show 10 altogether?” this side is the same as
1 |
equal |
both sides are the same |
either side has the same amount |
the same as |
encourages use of nonstandard equations |
2 |
equal |
two things are the same |
the equal sign shows equivalency |
3 |
equal to, or has the same sum |
4 |
equal |
one side equivalent to the other side |
5 |
equal |
Math Connects |
K |
equal |
“equivalent equations are a balance between two sides” |
1 |
equals |
having the same value |
2 |
picture of a balance to show nonstandard equations |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Math Expressions |
K |
equals |
same as |
encourages teaching unequals sign “9 = 4 + 5 and 4 + 5 = 9 are partners, either way is correct” |
1 |
equals |
is equal to |
is the same as |
2 |
equals |
is equal to |
3 |
equal |
two sides have the same value |
4 |
equals |
“Can write equations with answer on left.” |
both sides have the same value |
5 |
Saxon Math |
K |
1 |
equals |
two quantities have the same value |
2 |
equals |
two quantities have the same value |
3 |
equal |
if two amounts are the same, write the equal sign |
have the same value |
4 |
equal |
equation shows two quantities are the same |
shows balance scale |
5 |
equal sign introduced as comparison symbol |
Scott Foreman Addison Wesley |
K |
equals |
is the same as |
goes between numbers added and sum |
1 |
equals |
equals |
“What sign comes before the sum?” |
is the same as |
balance used for equations |
2 |
equals |
one side is the same as other side |
equal to |
3 |
equals |
two expressions are equal |
4 |
equal |
equation is like a pan balance, sides have same value |
5 |
Singapore Math |
K |
makes |
1 |
equal |
is equal to |
same amount or number |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
same value |