Fig. 4.
Dependence of the 3D resolution measures for the SIM-SNG (*), the SEP-SNG (○), the SIM-MUM (×), and the SEP-MUM (◇) modalities on (a) the distance of separation d of, and (b) the expected photon count detected from, the imaged point source pair. In (a), the curves shown correspond to the 2D slice sz = 367.2 nm from each of the four 3D plots of Fig. 3. In (b), the resolution measures shown pertain to the point source pair with a distance of separation of d = 50 nm from (a). The expected photon count per point source is varied from 1000 to 100000 photons. In both (a) and (b), all experimental, noise, and other point source pair parameters are as given in Fig. 3.