Fig. 3.
Phylogeny of representative Sepiolidae species and selected outgroups (for reference). Sepiolid taxa in red have no light organs. After a combined analysis of four loci (mtCOI, mt12S, mt16S rRNA, and partial sequence of the nuclear 28S rRNA, total approximately 2.4 kb) using direct optimization as implemented in POY (Wheeler et al. 2002). We analyzed six parameter sets varying the relative weights of insertion/deletion events and of base transformations. The tree on the left represents the best hypothesis using the parameter set that minimizes incongruence among all gene partitions (for all transformation receiving equal weights). On the right, a more conservative hypothesis, the strict consensus of all parameter sets examined, is presented, with all the nodes in this tree indicating parameter independence. Numbers on branches (left tree) indicate jackknife proportions (branches with no value have jackknife values<50%).