An example (diffusion computation) illustrating the effect of Ca2+ indicators on Ca2+ signals inside a small cellular compartment and the relationship between fluorescence recordings and the underlying kinetics of free Ca2+. (A) Diagram depicting the modeled Ca2+ store (yellow) with Ca2+ channels (nine 50-nm channel clusters depicted by dots) facing the cell cytoplasm (~1-μm wide compartment). (B) Simulated Ca2+ entry time course; the total entry corresponds to ~104 Ca2+ ions (which is approximately twice the spike-evoked presynaptic Ca2+ influx in small central synapses [Koester and Sakmann 2000], consistent with the estimate for presynaptic Ca2+ store release reported earlier [Scott, Lalic, and others 2008]). (C) Concentration profiles at five time points during Ca2+ entry. Top row: free Ca2+ landscapes, with no Ca2+ buffers present, shown within the 10-nm layer adjacent to the Ca2+ store membrane. Middle row: same as top row but in the presence of 0.2 mM Fluo-4 (typical imaging protocol). Bottom row: concentration profile of Ca2+-bound Fluo-4 averaged over a 100-nm depth adjacent to the Ca2+ store interface, [CaF]Σ, to reflect recorded fluorescence. False color scale bars as shown. Models adapted and modified from Scott, Lalic, and others (2008) and Henneberger and others (2010) were constructed and run online using Virtual Cell (VCell) version 4.7 at the National Resource for Analysis and Modeling, National Institutes of Health, Connecticut.