Figure 1.
(a) BOLD activation map from Participant 1 (P < 0.05, voxel corrected). Units are z scores. (b) Freesurfer flatmap representation of the right hemisphere posterior occipital cortex of Participant 1. The flatmap has been opened up along the calcarine sulcus (indicated in red). The anatomical region of interest is shaded in white and the white crosshair indicates the peak activation voxel in the fMRI map. Anatomical directions of the calcarine are indicated (A = Anterior, P = Posterior, V = Ventral, D = Dorsal). (c) Similar activation map as (a) after the anatomical mask has been applied. (d) The empirical HRF derived from the activation ROI in (c) along with the fitted function. A schematic of how parameters of amplitude, latency, and width were obtained is included. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]