Figure 1. Orientation tuning of spike latencies.
(A) Raster plot for of a sample cell in the data (taken from dataset 1 in Table 1). For each orientation, 100 randomly chosen trials (out of 400) are shown. For clarity, only the first 120 ms after stimulus onset are shown. Stimulus duration was 400 ms. (B) Cumulative distribution functions of first, second and third spike latencies (n denotes the spike number) for the same neuron. Each row corresponds to a different stimulus orientation and the gray levels represent the probability of the spike occurring before the time indicated on the abscissa. (C) Tuning curves of first, second and third spike latencies, computed as level curves of the corresponding cumulative distributions at 0.5. Cosine fits are shown as solid lines and are also shown as dashed lines in (A). (Error bars were calculated according to the method described in Materials and Methods, but are often smaller than the marker size). (D) Rate tuning curve for the same cell over the entire stimulus duration (black circles) and a fitted von-Mises function (solid line). (Error bars were calculated using the standard error of the mean, but are smaller than the marker size).