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. 2012 Jun 14;7(6):e39180. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0039180

Table 1. Phenotype, karyotype and molecular characterization of the five cases with unbalanced translocations.

Case Phenotype Karyotype Parental Origin Chr 15 Breakpoint interval Recipient chromosome Breakpoint interval
1 PWS 45, XX, der(5)t(5;15)(q35;q11.2),-15 Unknown Del/Dup:26220595-26234595, within a LINE repeat. Dup/N:27106557-27108882 Chr5:180615093-180615701
2 PWS 45, XX, der(18)t(15;18)(q13;q23), -15[97]/45, X, der(X), t(X;15) (q28;q13),-15[3] * De novo 22838840-22846406, within a 7.5 Kb cluster of Alu and LINE repeats Chr18: no copy number changes detected at the breakpoints. ChrX: no copy number changes detected at the breakpoints.
3 PWS 45, XY, der(6)t(6;15)(p25.3;q13),-15 De novo 25941268-25941852, within the OCA2 gene Chr6: no copy number changes detected at the breakpoints
4 AS 45, XX, der(9)t(9;15)(p24;q13),-15 Maternal 23579790–23580274, inside intron 1 of the ATP10A gene Chr9:4074000-4086000
5 PWS Mos46, XX, t(8;15)(p23.3;q14)[80]/45, XX, der(8)t(8;15)(p23.3;q14),-15[20] De novo 30944015-30952913, in the 5′ upstream sequence of the FMN1 gene Chr8: no copy number changes detected at the breakpoints

The minor cell line has been confirmed, by classical cytogenetics, in fibroblasts, with a similar mosaicism percentage (45, XX, der(15;18)(q13;q23)[83]-15/45, X, der (X;15)(q28;q13),-15[3]*).