Overlapping and unique expression profiles of GATA1 target genes in the ΔCTR and ΔNTR embryos.
A and B, quantitative RT-PCR analyses of Hbb-b1, Alas2, and Tfr1 genes using E13.5 fetal livers of ΔNTR (A) and ΔCTR-M (B). Data are shown relative to the expression of wild-type embryo. C, quantitative RT-PCR analyses of Uros and E2f4 genes using E13.5 fetal livers of four wild-type, three ΔNTR, and five ΔCTR-M embryos. Two primer sets corresponding to erythroid-specific 5′-untranslated region in exon 2 and common coding region in exon 9–10 of Uros gene were utilized for amplifying the erythroid-specific (erythroid) and total (whole) Uros transcripts, respectively. Data are shown relative to the average expression of wild-type embryos. (*, p < 0.05).