Interactions between GkDnaK and the GkGrpE homodimer. A, possible side chain interactions between GkDnaK A and the GkGrpE homodimer. GkGrpE A (green) and B (blue) are shown as cylinders with side chains. GkDnaK residues in the NBD (magenta), interdomain linker (yellow), and SBD (orange) are shown in stick models. Possible hydrogen bonds are shown as dashed lines. B, complementation assay for DnaK. Serial dilutions of fresh E. coli cultures were spotted onto agar containing LB and incubated at 37 °C or 42 °C overnight. Empty vector and full-length DnaK (EcoDnaK_FL and GkDnaK_FL) vectors were used as negative and positive controls, respectively. Dilution factors for the E. coli cultures are labeled over the panels.