The full-length (plus strand) ELVd RNA mediates the trafficking of functional GFP-mRNA from the nucleus to chloroplasts. A, Physical map of the ELVd-5′UTR-GFP and unmodified GFP constructs used in this assay. The construct sizes are not to scale. B, ELVd-5′UTR/GFP and GFP were clearly detected and showed similar relative electrophoretic mobility in the western-blot assay, indicating that the full-length viroid sequence acts as a true untranslated RNA. Serial dilutions(1:5) are shown for each construct. C, Confocal microscopy observation of N. benthamiana leaves expressing unmodified GFP (top panels), ELVd-5′UTR-GFP (middle panels), or OE23/GFP (bottom panels). ELVd-5′UTR/GFP mimics the cellular localization of the OE23/GFP construct, which accumulates specifically in chloroplasts.