Figure 3.
ABCB4 does not seem to recycle between the PM and endosomes. A, Fluorescence of Kaede-ABCB4 in root epidermal cells prior to green-to-red photoconversion (left, green channel; right, red channel, for A–H). B, Fluorescence of Kaede-ABCB4 after selective green-to-red photoconversion. Only the ROI (boxed), which contained green-Kaede-ABCB4, was photoconverted to red. C, Tracking of the photoconverted red-Kaede-ABCB4 signal after BFA treatment (25 μm, 2 h). Arrows in C and D indicate the photoactivated PM region. D, Magnified images of C. Arrowheads indicate the positions of BFA compartments. E, Relative fluorescence intensity (in arbitrary units) of the numbered BFA compartments in D. F, Fluorescence of Kaede-ABCB4 after BFA treatment (25 μm, 2 h) prior to photoconversion. G, Fluorescence of Kaede-ABCB4 after selective green-to-red photoconversion. Only the ROI (boxed), which contained a BFA compartment of green-Kaede-ABCB4, was photoconverted to red. H, Tracking of the photoconverted red-Kaede-ABCB4 signal after washout with 1/2 MS for 2 h. Gray arrowheads indicate the PM region containing a photoconverted BFA compartment, and yellow arrowheads indicate neighbor PMs (background). Bars + 10 μm.