Transmission electron micrographs of developing endosperm cell walls labeled with xyloglucan antibody, LM15, at 3 to 8 DAP. A, At 3 DAP xyloglucan is present in the central cell wall but absent in the first forming anticlinal cell walls. B, At 4 DAP light labeling can be detected in the early endosperm cell walls. Inset shows enlarged image of cell wall with gold particles (arrows). C, At 5 DAP that xyloglucan labeling is at its most abundant in the endosperm. D, By 6 DAP gold labeling is barely detectable in the starchy endosperm but still present in the central cell wall. By 8 DAP xyloglucan labeling in the starchy endosperm is almost negligible (data not shown). Bar = 0.5 μm. acw, Anticlinal cell wall; cw, cell wall; dcw, developing cell wall; ne, nucellar epidermis; V, vacuole.