Figure 2.
The shortened hypocotyl length and dwarfism of the bia1-1D mutant could be rescued by treatment with exogenous 24-epiBL or introduction of BRI1::GFP. A, Measurement of the hypocotyl length of wild-type (WT) and bia1-1D seedlings grown on plates supplemented with various concentrations of 24-epiBL. n ≥ 15, and data are mean ± sd values. B, Phenotypic rescue of the soil-grown bia1-1D mutant by periodic spraying with 24-epiBL. Scale bar = 5 mm. C, Partial rescue of dwarfism of the bia1-1D mutant by introduction of BRI1::GFP. Phenotypes of each hemizygous plant are shown for comparison.