Figure 7.
Spatiotemporal expression and subcellular localization of BIA1. A to D, GUS staining patterns of 5- to 7-d-old BIA1::BIA1:GUS transgenic seedlings. A, BIA1::BIA1:GUS activity in a whole seedling. Scale bar = 1 mm. B, Root elongation zone and division zone. Scale bar = 100 μm. C, Cotyledon. Scale bar = 100 μm. D, Young leaf and primordia. Scale bar = 100 μm. E, Real-time qRT-PCR of BIA1 in the root (RO), rosette leaves (RL), inflorescences (IF), cauline leaves (CL), floral clusters (FL), and siliques (SI). The fold expression was calculated relative to the expression in the root. Error bars represent sd of three replicates. F, Real-time qRT-PCR of BIA1 in the dissected roots of 7-d-old wild-type seedlings. Numbers on the graph (right) correspond with those in the diagram (left). G, GUS staining patterns of 6-d-old BIA1::BIA1:GUS transgenic seedlings grown under continuous white light (CW) or dark conditions. Scale bar = 1 mm. H, Real-time qRT-PCR of BIA1 in 6-d-old seedlings grown under light or dark conditions. The fold expression was calculated relative to the level in continuous white light. Error bars represent sd of three replicates. I, Subcellular localization of BIA1 through transient expression of CaMV35S::BIA1:GFP in Arabidopsis protoplasts. CH, Chloroplast autofluorescence. Scale bar = 20 μm. J, Subcellular fractionation of BIA1:GFP isolated from Arabidopsis protoplast cells. Total protein extracts (T) were separated into soluble (S) and pellet (P) fractions. Fractions were examined by protein gel-blot analysis using anti-GFP and anti-AALP antibodies. AALP was used as a control in the fractionation procedure. K, Real-time qRT-PCR of BIA1 in 10-d-old seedlings treated with various concentrations of epi-BL for 12 h. The fold expression was calculated relative to the expression level in mock samples. Error bars represent sd of three replicates. L, Real-time qRT-PCR of BIA1 in 10-d-old wild-type seedlings treated with 1 μm 24-epiBL for 6 or 12 h. The fold expression was calculated relative to the level of samples before 24-epiBL treatment. Error bars represent sd of three replicates. M, Real-time qRT-PCR of BIA1 in wild-type (En-2) and BR-biosynthetic mutant (dwf3-388) plants. Error bars represent sd of three replicates.