Effect of temperature and exogenous treatments on Lp. A, Effects of descending root temperatures (25°C, 20°C, 15°C, and 10°C) followed by the ascending root temperature of 25°C on Lp. B, Lp values in roots of plants subjected to 10°C for 1 and 5 d and in roots exposed to 25°C. The measurements were carried out in the respective treatment temperatures. C, Effects of 5 mm Ca(NO3)2, 1 mm LaCl3, 1 µm Na3VO4, and 75 nm okadaic acid (OA) examined in the wild-type plants at either 25°C or 10°C after 20- to 30-min exposure. Means ± se (n = 6) are shown. The data were analyzed for statistically significant differences using ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison.