Fig. 8.
Light microscopy of Weil myelin-stained sections from the medial anterior commisure of a control (a) and shiverer (b) mouse. Normal compact myelin appears dark in the Weil stain and is significantly reduced or absent from the shiverer commisure. Enlargements of panels a and b are shown in panels c and d. An increase in nuclei within the shiverer commisure is observed that may reflect astrocytic changes or gliosis in the C3Fe.SWV Mbpshl/Mbpshl mutant. Weil-stained sections from the midbrain of (e) control and (f) shiverer mice show a similar pattern of compact myelin loss. The tract visible at the right in panel e is the fasciculus retrofiexus (approximate location: Bregma −2.80 mm).