Influence of the constitutive mutation of cannabinoid type-1 (CB1) receptors on the emotional profiles of control and stressed mice. This profile included 7-day water intakes (a), water and sucrose intakes in a free choice paradigm after the seventh stress session (b), closed arm entries (c) and percent time spent in the open arms (d) of an elevated plus-maze, freezing behavior during cued fear recall sessions 24–72 h after conditioning (e), and adrenal weight (f). D1–D3 stand for days 1–3. Values are the mean±SEM of 11–16 animals, except for (b), which refer to 7–10 animals per group. *p<0.05 and ***p<0.001 for the overall effect of social stress in the ANOVA; #p<0.05 and ##p<0.01 for stress influences within each genotype; ++p<0.01 for the genotype influence in unstressed animals. See text for ANOVAs and additional statistics.