Graphic depiction of ChBF over an ABP range of 20 mmHg to 140 mmHg in 32 normal rats and 12 rats that received either of two inhibitors of neuronal NOS, with the results for the two inhibitors (LNAME and NPA) shown separately in A and averaged together in B. The mean ChBF is graphed as a function of the corresponding ABP, with choroidal blood flow expressed in BFUs and ABP in mmHg. SEMs for the graphed data are shown in Tables 1 and 2. In both graphs, the blue diamonds show the actual ChBF per ABP bin for normal rats, while the red triangles show the ChBF for the NOS inhibition rats. As can be seen, ChBF remained near basal levels over an ABP range of 40 mmHg above and below basal ABP. Inhibition of neuronal NOS eliminated baroregulation in the low ABP range for both LNAME rats (closed red triangles) and NPA rats (open red triangles), as shown in image A. Combining the NOS rats in B (closed red triangles) shows that ChBF failed to compensate and linearly followed ABP below the basal ABP of about 95 mmHg.