Figure 3.
The large white arrow in (a) indicates the position of the fiber optic light source as demonstrated in figure 1. (a) Spin echo image (displayed FOV = 12 mm × 12 mm) of typical tumor bearing hind leg for anatomic reference. The red arrow indicates tumor; the thin white arrow indicates boundary of two different muscle groups. In images (b - c), red scale indicates increasing positive changes and blue scale, negative changes, according to the label on the respective y-axis. (b) ABo map reflecting the maximum change in temperature in each voxel over the course of an experiment. Changes are typically 5°C. Very large changes are likely due to statistical fluctuations in B0. The region of negative change next to the light source (as indicated by the white arrow) may be due to a large local change in magnetic susceptibility due to the proximity of the fiber optic cable. (c) APW values, reflecting maximum absolute changes in water peak width (in Hz).