A and B, Patient outcome as a function of ADC25% stratification into low and high groups. Kaplan Meier analysis (A) of progression-free survival (PFS) for patients stratified into the low ADC25% group (<692, blue line) with a mean progression time of 9.4 months versus those stratified into high ADC25% group (>692, red line) with a mean progression time of 30.0 months (P = .02, logrank test). Kaplan Meier plot (B) of overall survival (OS) for patients stratified into the low ADC25% group (<692, blue line) with a mean survival of 15.8 months versus those stratified into high ADC25% group (>692, red line) with a mean survival of 30.9 months (P = .01, logrank test). C and D, Patient outcome as a function of minimum ADC value shows a statistically significant difference in PFS and OS between low and high groups (P < .05).